In-House Diagnostics


Harnessing Technology for Accurate Diagnoses

We pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of medical technology to provide your pet with the highest level of care.

At Companion Animal Medical Center, our in-house diagnostics include radiology and ultrasound, allowing us to obtain detailed images of your pet’s internal organs and facilitate timely and accurate diagnoses.



Radiology is a valuable diagnostic tool that allows us to peer inside your pet’s body in a completely non-invasive manner.

X-rays provide us with images of the body’s organs, enabling our veterinarians to detect and prevent illness more effectively.

In addition to being safe, radiology is an essential component of our diagnostic arsenal, helping us provide your pet with the best possible medical care.

With highly trained staff overseeing the process, you can trust that your pet’s health is in capable hands.


Benefits of Radiology


  • Non-Invasive: Radiology offers a non-invasive way to visualize internal organs, minimizing stress and discomfort for your pet.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: By capturing detailed images of the body’s structures, radiology allows for thorough evaluation and diagnosis of health conditions.
  • Timely Intervention: Rapid imaging results enable prompt diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, improving your pet’s prognosis and overall well-being.
  • Ultrasound: Precision Imaging for Enhanced Care


Comprehensive Evaluation

By capturing detailed images of the body’s structures, radiology allows for thorough evaluation and diagnosis of health conditions.

Timely Intervention

Rapid imaging results enable prompt diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, improving your pet’s prognosis and overall well-being.



In addition to radiology, we utilize ultrasound technology to further enhance our diagnostic capabilities.

Ultrasound generates detailed images of the body’s internal organs using sound waves, offering a painless, radiation-free method of imaging.

With ultrasound, we gain valuable insights into your pet’s health, allowing us to detect, diagnose, and prevent illness more effectively.

By employing this advanced diagnostic tool, we’re dedicated to providing your pet with the best possible care and ensuring their continued health and happiness.

At Companion Animal Medical Center, we’re committed to harnessing the power of advanced in-house diagnostics to support your pet’s well-being.

veterinarian with animals in little rock
Beige Blob

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